With a little help from my friends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With a little help from my friends I may survive for for the rest of my life. This is the time that one reaches maturity Having little or no chance of another love
As my last relationship was so very loving
Little did I expect to win that life lottery It made my life so completely wonderful To live with my sweet girl for full six years Transforming my good life into a fantasy Living and dreaming and planning the future Every day treating it as it would be our last.
Happiness can vanish with the wind. Ethereal Angels descended and took you away Little notice was given it happens that way. People are helpful and friends rally around
Friends love to repay the good deeds done Reciprocate favours you’ve done in the past Oh now with a little help from my good friends My freezer is filled with choice foods o the day
Monthly cooking we do on a regular basis Yet more help to set up a new poet office
Friends at the Surf club where I meet and chat Relaxed by a pool n hot tub,I never did that I get by with a little help from my friends Even though I have all this. It’s just for show. No I’d swap it tomorrow if it would bring to life Darling how I miss you. I am lonely as hell. So come back from heaven n look after ME. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Philip. November 5th 2018.