Have you forgotten who you are? Has the world changed your mind set? Do you doubt who your father is? Aren’t you a daughter to a king? Why won’t you believe you’re beautiful? You put filters on your photos But now you have filters on your heart So no one could see how you feel You smile a perfect smile But you know you are breaking apart Your perfect life Demands constant upgrades Demands perfect emotions You cut off real friends Replace them with people You gossip about But its ok society demands and approves You’re so used to filtered life That you’ve forgotten how to live Your emotions are filtered That you don’t remember How it is to feel You are so focused To please others That you have forgotten You are a kings daughter You have abandoned your throne To please peasants You have forgotten your origin But is it worth it? You only live once So why live a filtered life You miss your throne But to you picking up your crown Means losing frenemies To you sitting on your throne Means feeling and living And some how that’s a bad thing Because society won’t approve Dear Queen Society is a hungry bottomless pit It will never be satisfied It will never approve All it does is take **** you dry till you’re empty As a Queen you have so much to offer But you can’t offer much While you care what society thinks You must sit on your throne And show the Society what YOU think Because that’s who you are A Queen who knows her worth POETRY BY JOYCE TSHIBASU JOJO.POETRY