"your pretty much nothing" well that wasn't very nice "i'm not here to be nice i'm here to do my job" and that is? "telling you what your doing wrong"
and i can't be mad that my conscience is doing its job and maybe i need to do a better job of doing mine but its hard i'm in a constant state of being frozen my head is frozen but my bodies animated trying to distract you
and as much as i try these dark thoughts won't leave and ive considered pushing my wardrobe to long sleeves
but this cant be i've always been happy denail i've always made others happy i wish i could just make everyone happy i'm doing great at my job your failing at it i'm failing at it
i can't even talk to people without my conscience budding in and maybe this is just a punishment for all that i've so called "sinned"
but conscience please give me a break i don't want today to end up my death date