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Sep 2018
Happy days are here forever to stay,
Always by our side find them we may,
Parting ways is never a thing to say,
Practically we are fitting each day,
Yolk is this of ours, getting prepared.

Best of both worlds are we two,
Imagine a life together with me,
Rid yourself of that negativity,
This space here is only for our love,
Happiness will always come on,
Delayed it may be but surely it comes,
Always remember that I'm here,
You wanted a mother again, I'm here as your lover.

Thanks for sharing your life with me,
Over the decades of my caring, healthier you will be.

Yes, we shall complete each other,
Of phoenixes, you will be a mother,
Up next is just our Love & only Love.

Part ways never with me,
Overcome health issues,
Overcome them with me,
Just absorb all of my love,
And just imagine my Love.
On 15 September 2018, Pooja Shah completed 22 years of age.
My HP Poem #1722
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
   Timothy, Vanessa Gatley and Pooja Shah
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