Reflections are tricky things Man didn't create them Only trapped them Hung them on a wall for his own vain glory The glassy stillness of a lake Was first To echo reality above it Distorted It ripples like a gateway At the kiss of a stone
It calls, it beckons l have mystery lurking What will happen if you Little you Dared to pass through With no intention of return? One might find oneself upside down Standing in the sky And brushing their feet against the stars Or there might be monsters Real ones Which we can touch and feel and fight And see while fighting The seeds of monstrous things Separate themselves from us In the last few seconds of life And we see them laid out
Even knowing this The water calls To the nine tenths of us it possesses Enticing us With the idea of a world Identical to ours I think Have you ever stopped Looked Counted the branches? It would be impossible So we assume
And as the water accepts you Feet Waist Hands Shoulders Hair, drifting like seaweed in the tide It whispers to you Just a little deeper now So you go on On Until you discover, or drown
Or Until you are pulled upwards Arms grasping you around the chest As your lungs burn with the ache of tipped scales, the balance within you lost And you hear the voice whisper Breath warming your ear