“for our political leaders, may they resolve their differences that plague our planet,” the speaker says. (“lord hear our prayer,” everyone but me says.) i look up at the priest. he sits at the altar with his eyes closed. is this so he can’t see my shaking hands. does he think he can hide my pain. “for those who have died, may they find peace in heaven with our lord god and jesus christ.” (“lord hear our prayer,” is what i don’t say.) they think they can hide my pain, thinking things will get better. but that doesn’t mean the pain is gone. it’s just that no one can see it. they never will. “for those who starve for love and have hunger for another soul, may they no longer be lonely.” (and i finally say, “lord hear our prayer.”) i miss the taste of your lips and feeling your arms around me. but i will always be hungry and lonely. my only companion will be loneliness. it’s all my fault. i made a million promises and mistakes. but those broken promises and mistakes is what makes up me now. you gave to me and i can’t give back. lord hear my prayer. amen.