I've learned to trace The curves of your name Through marks on my skin that were all too straight And I've rubbed them raw-
Scarlet, aching, throbbing, Irritated because of how many times I've dug my nails Into the memory of you carved into my shoulder, Or my wrist, thigh, hip...
The list goes on, and so do you, Even when the licks of fire turn tamer, whiter, faded With time that tries to give me relief but makes me PANIC Instead, Because at least when it's all fresh, I can hear your voice in my ear And the cut of your jib is outlined by the cut on my... well, anything.
I want your fingers wrapped around my waist But in my mind's clouded eye you pull away Every time, and all I feel is rain drops on amber skin, and the blade grips ever tighter.
Normal girls who cry at night and not at sunset Have stretch marks guiding their insecurity, But I bet you've never been to a lido with your parents After getting a new tattoo of a bitter I'll-never-know's name imprinted on your arm...
And if you have, well, you'll never tell me Because even though I trace you every time I'm reminded of your seaside green glass eyes I haven't looked the past in the face