Who have I become, I don’t like this version of myself, the version of myself that you have pushed me to become. We spoke 24/7 let me say that again 24/7… twenty-four hours seven days a week for nearly a year and then it just stopped. Did you get bored? Did you finally have enough of messing with the feelings of a girl who was completely and hopelessly devoted to you. You moved on and I hated you for it. I hated you because I was still completely and hopelessly devoted to you, I still had hope that it was all a bad dream and I would wake up to sunshine and glow instead of the clouds of grey that now “shine” over my life. I saw you for the first time the other day since, well since, that day when time stopped and I stopped dead in my tracks when I got the message “this girl I’m seeing.” Those four words tore me and I could feel the physical pain of heartbreak. That’s when everything changed, I became a person that I look at in the mirror and don’t feel anything towards. I used to look every morning and hope. People have an ideology about hope that it looks and makes you look beautiful and youthful, almost innocent, but hope as far as I’m concerned can go and take a hike. Hope was the shackles that caged me from being the true me. Now I said at the beginning that I don’t like this version of myself. This is still true but I’ve grown comfortable with being her and that ones on you.