A father doesn't babysit his kids, what are you part time? Wake up, if your thinking this, your not father material your a ***** bank for hire.
I don't get drunk in-front of my kids, you slurring your words. Anger making you lash out. That's a problem, you see love is kindness, not anger and grief.
"I'm a father and I do a few things right.
A father reads to his kids, imagination ignited in little minds.
"ROAR" went the dino baby as it showed mummy and daddy its new voice that it found. Trees trembled and the earth did jump for this little dino showed off the voice "ROAR" it never knew it had.
A father looks after them when there sick. Team mummy and daddy.
Snooty Maggie, that's mummies section. Green little monsters popping out of noses, slim trails on white tissues, so gross. Buggers make daddy heave.
Pukky Pedro, now this is daddies area. scrap the chunks, clean the sheets, give them a shower. Now get the bucket, that rests next to the little ones bed. Sleep my baby, mummy and daddy are close.
A father is meant to show love, don't be a part timer. Were meant to be proud of what we have or had with the love of our life. We created someone, who will bring a smile to eithers face just with a look.