All land begins underneath these feet: a merry makebelieve.
Jump and catch a glimpse of Arabia in red, Birkenhead in yellowish-grey, Berlin's fading rainbow.. all lacking in depth like floaters, like foreign pain, like your very first birthday.
Don't they?
Spend days in suspension,
don't you?
Well, look around! You see ahead and back are much the same when all is round. And all IS round! Unless of course, you're on the ground where a single wave can ****.
Doubtless fun, boundless thrill, all but for a price! Here even cloudy sunsets imply sacrifice. And at nights perfect darkness never dwells, Some devilry always tells the time in mocking ways: Jump and you're on holidays, divorced from all necessity, sleeping in the sun for days an altogether different beast, electrified, with sandbagged veins.
At least not dead, I hear you say. How cute.. Alas! the price you pay for being oh so futile is per se a snide; So pick your cherries and throw them in that tide! You know the lights in this harbour never return in a straight line May craft and the shimmering power not let you be the fog in the rye, or the rock's inside.
You are round and everything is your equal. So consider your battles well.