A subsonic growl emerges As the red wolf plunges forth From his concrete cave. He shoulders aside the weaker creatures, In his rush, for the men inside Live for the hunt. The siren howl is high at first, Wild and eager, hysterical. As he gains his stride On the pavement path, His whine swings into a rocking pulse, Keeping time with the fire, Or the blood spurting from a man. Behind the pack there is a white dog, Sturdy and square, trained and sure, With a lyrical howl. He keeps pace yet there is no lust For the hunt, no need for blood. They circle the waiting disaster, Disgorging men in black and white, The hulks rumble as they wait. Wolves lick up the flames While the white-dressed men Lap up the blood. The wolf prowls as the flames die But stands guard as the White dog points to the man. He has chosen to save.
A fire truck roared somewhere in town and it made me think of the growl of a wolf. The white truck is obviously an ambulance and the white wolves are EMT's! I know, it's absurd imagery but I had some fun with it.