It overtook the walls made its way into the office on the sixth floor and then hung like a dripping willow’s branches over the desks
By the time they thought to find me I’d already been wrapped up in a cocoon of brown hair indistinguishable from the walls that was now also covered in the thick strands of undulated hair
II. everything and everyone became consumed.
III. In hairy chrysalis, the scissors uselessly hung on some poor frantic pair of hands forced into pupa
IV. It was on the third day that the streets surrounding the corporate buildings were once again populated with people, that a young woman in heels swore she heard a faint choral singing coming from the 5th or 6th floor of a dreary grey building.
V. everything cocooned everyone consumed all in pupa
VI. During metamorphosis, a caterpillar digests itself leaving only behind imaginal discs that shape it’s adult body.