I’ve gotten into knitting lately, Even though I’m young. It is a calming activity, Accumulating rows one by one.
The relaxing part is the perseverance. It takes time to make progress, Yet once you finish, The product is worth it. You created it all yourself. That feeling of achievement Doesn’t leave me in stitches, But in awe of the world.
You use up your resources, The ball of yarn gets smaller. Soon you will need a box To contain all of your passion. You yearn to create, To achieve, And to accomplish.
Repetition and persistance Can reward all who try. Even though a stitch may be lost, Or the needles clang together, You can always get back to it. Giving up is pointless.
This title is so clever. Also, I hope my friends and family never discover that I've written and posted these poems. That would be embarrassing.