I want to eat a tub of ice cream, Make folks wonder where it went; And gorge on so much junk I look just like the president! I want to slam three layer cakes Like they were made of air, And I get so stinking big You can see me everywhere!
Eat, eat, eat until I'm perfectly round; Why bother walking when I can roll all around? Munch, munch, munch all day and all night; I'm going to be huge so there’s no need to fight. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chew a pizza or two; And a couple bags of chocolate chip cookies too! Triple cheese burger large fries and drink; Go get as full as a tick, don’t bother to think.
You might as well accept it I want what I want all of the time And if I don’t get my way I consider that a personal crime. All you can eat joints feel like my own home; When I get done I'll be shaped like a dome! Buffalo wings for happy hour, maybe twenty And beer by the pitcher, I can drink plenty.
Eat, eat, eat until I'm perfectly round; Why bother walking when I can roll all around? Munch, munch, munch all day and all night; I'm going to be huge so there’s no need to fight. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chew a pizza or two; And a couple bags of chocolate chip cookies too! Triple cheese burger large fries and drink; Go get as full as a tick, don’t bother to think.
Don’t bother to lecture me on my gastronomy Sure, people are starving way far away. I am helping here at home with our economy And I'm doing it every day. Talking about starvation makes me want to Eat more than ever I did yeseterday, besides, So that kind of argument is just wasted on me Since I don’t find it all that wise!