is mo croí theanga í, is an t-anam ó t-am dearmadta gur ní cuimhnigh mé.
tá sé bhriste 's, neamhiomlán, ach is breá liom í fos
mar sin, is mo bhaile í agus tiocfaidh an lá nuair tá mo theanga agam
my broken heart
it is my heart's language, it is the soul forgotten in time, that i cannot remember.
it is broken and, incomplete, but i love it still
because it is my home, and the day is coming, when i will have my tongue. -------------------------------------- I feel at home in a language my ancestors lost. I feel safe in words that don't come easy. I found peace and hope and healing in the seemingly strange sounds of my native tongue, and I will reclaim it, for myself, and my peers, and the generations who follow, because it is beautiful and it is ours.