Before I begin I beg you read to the end I know it might surprize you But I promise, my tears were shed
I know I wasn't the best And that's because I didn't try to be For I was blinded by myself And now that it's over I finally see
I know I should have listened For your ways are better than mine Sadly, I can't change the past And those moments will not come back
Instead of casting a shadow I wish I would have spread a light The same way the Sun shines The same way that You shine
Thank you for all of the moments And all the times we disagreed Because thanks to you I'm a more positive me
Life will try to tear you down And if you need me I'm always here But even if I wasn't I know you'd persevere
So no matter how dark your path may seem You just need to light it with your positivity
Know that I'll always love you Wherever your path may lead And I can't wait until I see you again Whenever that day might be
Always shine your light Brighter than the Sun shines Just the same way You shine
Cassie, I don't have words to describe the blessing it has been to know, love, and call you a friend, family even. I can't wait to see the things you do in life. More than that though, I can't wait for the moments we will share, and pray that there would be many. The daughter thing may seem a little odd, just ask Aysha or Lexi or me for that matter.