Dad growler He drools The Moth_ Mothered flies gathered Missing some wings ((ER)) Whoa!! Emergency Room_ Being dismissed He misinterprets Moth-loving both Her and me ***** of fire Babe Ruth Tolerate In-laws You're hired Mothers Amazing graceful
Being prominent Words are Imp-or-t-ant His glass half full 1/2
Her beauty whole Of all ((Mothers)) *Providence* The E-R emergency The 99 bottles of beer on the wall Someone must Save the date Please call? Singing mouth he drills That sunshine Sunpower *pill
Tony Tiger Bengal his gals Rejuvenating Dad loves the mating Alice in Motherland ((For Tea)) lips of hearts
Beside me Remembering B.L.T... Kevin-Bee- Bacon Best greens lettuce Lips Palace Kissed her face Linked to her Charm bracelet 3 words magnet I- love- her Motherlove** The triple-decker sandwich ((Upper-Dove))
His temperature Mothers day Spring fever Smiles worthwhile Waiting My Mom E Everlasting R- Nature name Robin Blessed by Mother, Book could read A+ home Entertainer My emergency Show some heart Be heart T tremendous We learn so much from
To outlive this world Because we are way Over with flowers Like Motherlove The earth loves her The emergence of birth Emergency she saves Heart so smart__
Mothers on Earth near us around our words to guide us show her you care to kiss the sky or Fly Robin Fly