Quiet static from the TV calms my tired soul A metronome of jagged rhythms and wild tempos Yet it must repeat at some point And that's all it needs to do
Day by day, I see the sun rise and set Or is it simply me sinking lower and rising back up like the tide? I'd like to say that it's the sun or the Earth doing the work Because I'm far too weak to move
Drops of water fall from the leaky faucet ***** saucers and pans piled high near the sink A warm mixture of sweat and pizza hangs in the air Not quite unpleasant, like an old blanket over my body
Sweat drips from my neck and wets the collar of my shirt My head resting on the hot arm of the sofa And I can see both the ceiling of the room and of my skull I balance on the cliff over the chasm of slumber
Teetering back and forth on the precipice, not sure if I should jump My eyes blinking faster than the static My heart beating slower than that faucet My body feels like it's falling down and then flying back up And the moon plays peak-a-boo as I pass through the clouds over and over again