I thought of you and my ear started to ring. Is that my body casting you out? Discrete madness Desire building up With nowhere else to go but in a surge out of my head?
Maybe it’s an echo of my ringing phone Good-morning calls Bored-driving calls Lonely-night calls Random-2pm-thinking-of-you calls i-just-want-to-hear-you-talk calls A disembodied voice carried through wire Whispers separated by highways Longing to be breathed into the other’s neck A love changing by the moon.
Does it mean you are thinking of me? I heard that from somewhere. Or is it talking about me? Maybe it’s both I know you moan my name A smoke raised with the fume of sighs Is yours ringing too?
This is a death-mark’d love at first touch The fates cackling at our persistence Our hands reaching pathetically Out of grasp.
We are so afraid to be alone So ******* stubborn That we lack foresight Sensing the inevitable But denying, ignoring, Sitting still as the earth shakes Apathetic to the world devouring us alive Attempting to defy the stars.