I’ve never truly been diagnosed But I have some troubles Some ability to scare the living **** out of myself with my mind every single night
Can never fully sleep without something happening Shall it be scratching, moaning, pounding on the walls Shadows, demons, or just my own self getting me Maybe voices or images, the thought of disasters A nightmare, body pains, or just my own mind not wanting me to sleep
Pains in my chest that hurt worse with every beat Or maybe the sense of a presence looking over me I haven’t got a clue for the cause of these nighttime fiascos but it’s something every night The only source of release is when I turn on my phone to see a text from the person I love And even so, though it feels like a boundaries around me, I know something is out there waiting for me to turn off the lit screen and be face to face with the terrors that keep me awake at night