It was that one last drop that flooded a brimful hollow
Welling drop by drop . . . Lingering , . . moment by moment, belatedly over-flowing the restraint slowly filled by reckoned time
Gathered teardrops surrendered from vulnerable cup of thirsting blossom Volatile bedewed petals gently sipping dawn's velvet mist
A tender heart ... spilling the traces of hurt Beneath the stains of time hidden deep within the enigmatic pools of your eyes
The moment of love awoken, is a boundless awaited sunrise
It's as if a stifled river's trickle reinvigorates thirst, abating its own extinction
The will to be, heeded in a last drop, inspiriting new breathe of life
long lost adrift, alone in tidewater's contrary push and pull
Dreaming of Spooning water from a broken vessel into insoluble oceans
Each loving spoonful filled with the overflowing love from a broken heart
To rescue from endangering indifference, knowing only what is loved can be saved
Will you touch this aching silence and let me know ?
Gaze your eyes into this lonely sea and let the tide pull you in
Jesse Stillwater
Notes: 19th April
Thanks for reading ... its hard to look away from silence, but it does teach with its unspoken muse; even though lessons learned may not be what you'd hoped for.