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Apr 2018
I have nothing to do.
I feel hopeless, I wanna be motionless.
What is it called? Comatose?
Fold my thoughts like origami,
to keep me as a zombie,
the antithesis of a human body,
an empty shell.
Life is hell.
I yell it loudly.
No one hears me. I sing my sorrows softly.
What once was a cry is now a hymn that calms me.
Crawling like a zombie, dealing with insane body aches,
coping with brain aches, not well, I release control as my brain breaks.
Scared to have a child as I fear hes destined to face the same fate.
Pills under syrup on a pancake, minimum wage until you can't do it.
Staring at themselves in the mirror screaming just do it.
If songbirds only sung when they cried,
and only cried when they hurt,
and if I liked to listen, me or the world, who would be worse?
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Tanner Hackmann
Written by
Tanner Hackmann  20/M/Colorado
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