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Mar 2018
Roses burn with intensity,
Each peddle opening wider.
Reveal the flame within,
Let me taste the sparks you hide there.
Hands touch when words can’t explain,
Hearts beat when music can’t exclaim.
Two as one, let us come together in this garden.
The branches hardened by years of fear, now bend into my hands, Pulling me in deeper.
There’s a symphony in my bed.
The moans linger in dissonant color.
My heart beats like a drum every time I touch her.
Hours and hours, moving through time.
Moments of silence, when you were mine.
This poem was written for a short film called "5" about various aspects of the male experience. The film is a "visual poem" that brings each intimate piece to life. This is probably the most raw and revealing I've ever been in my work.
Darius M Buckley
Written by
Darius M Buckley  26/M/New York, NY
(26/M/New York, NY)   
     dawn, Rose and Corvus
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