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Mar 2018
You have got yourself into a quite a mess
But you still want to cause some trouble
Two girls perfectly in love with you
Yet you just sit there, and simply begin to chuckle

Your reputation gone
Since you cheated on you last girlfriend
But you simply made it worse
cause the girl you cheated with was my friend
You ****** over two year levels in a single day
But you refuse to stray from your fuckboi ways

You got drunk and cried at your last party
I want a long term relationship but I always **** it up
Well no **** sherlock your kind of a stud

I feel slight pity for him tho
As hes been completely outcasts
But as soon as I begin talking to him
He attempts to slide in real fast

Now his game begins again
Except this times its with his childhood friend
Another girl from our year level
Fresh out of a bad relationship
And now they will fight for him
A battle I know they will never win
Cause this boy won't be held down,
he's enjoying this
Watching with an amused grin

Both know of his boyish ways
And neither believe they will be betrayed
Here they are both telling me their woes
And how much they hate each other
Fighting for his affection
When instead his eyes are wondering in another direction

He flirted and wants to hookup with me
We made plans to do it tonight, there is a big party on, and that's seems like the perfect time
but that in itself, its own kind of mess
I don't particularly want to create
I don't fancy being another one of those girls
that he puts into his trophy case

Boy, Your trying to play me
But you somehow forget who I am
I am the one that finds out everything
That is the advantage I have
You are a pretty smooth talker
I agree, that's true

but next time you decide to play this, take aim
Attempt to pick players who don't know the game
Cause simply I'm the one of the ones that do
So this round of the games is kind of *******
Just a random fuckboi, attempting to get in my a bunch of my friends, and they all have a thing for him but I found out hes flirting with all of them but isint intetested
Written by
Nyx  21/F/Shadows of the Opera
(21/F/Shadows of the Opera)   
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