Three stories tall, and a city block wide I created this castle with no place to hide "The World's Fair Hotel", you might know it well Located in Englewood, my own private Hell.
I hired and fired through its construction To fully ensure only I knew its power of destruction.
Once it was built, I hired employees Female and blonde, my favorites of playthings Under conditions of insurance policies Of which I would pay (but I was also the beneficiary)
Soundproof suites so sweet to my ears With gas lines to asphyxiate you - Drowning in fears Or my secret hanging chamber And lime pits to change you from human to stranger
I took pride in stripping you to bone and sold you to medical schools, made professors seem fools, all of you dead and alive at my disposal
All in all, 200 was the proposal, I confessed to 27 and later to dying wish is that I could have done it to you.