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Mar 2018
a blip
on a blight
on a mote
on a microbe
a sea of stardust
black silk
and white rope

above her head
passing, people start to pour in
and limbs hang like they're dead
tingle with their poor sin

a bead
on a brow
on a cry
quiet mystery
a blip
on a blight
on a brick
in the wall

the night, the numbs a haze
the sounds, the stars that scattered
how far she'd had the ache
how slight, the rings of saturn

a haste
on a heart
to calm it down
a push, a pull
to soak it in
the art around

so small, then
regret sets in
the song in the room
and the ghost let in
long that one would leave it soon

a pulse,
a parse
and a hubric hope
tingling, the sinking *****
sinks into
the stars around
"it's all a blur, happened way too fast
but I'm glad that it's what we had"
Written by
touka  23/F/Wilmington, NC
(23/F/Wilmington, NC)   
       Woody, r, eileen, empty seas, Madalyn and 1 other
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