The lives we cross unknowing The green-grass paths they wayfare, Fables of fays and fiends unspoken Truths belonging to entities of matter,
Flesh bones a body, rhythmed by breath A heartbeat, pumps red juices carrying Cleansing oxygen through tireless veins To a brain, synapses creating thoughts
Interpreting, nervous sensations only Tempered by hormonal roller coasters As we defy, the mystic and attempt To make sense of our existence beyond
The astonishing complex husk leisurely, Deteriorating in time as we blow on candles Grasping indeed there is far more inside, A microcosm endeavouring to reconcile
With an all-pervasive Universe encompassing As stars fall before our eyes, chronic sunrise, Twirling incessantly without ever feeling Dizzy, dazed by questions sparkling intuitively
As we struggle with the limits of earthly Confinement, the green-grass paths we wayfare, Health impediments, mental distortions, Quarrelling with our fellow adventurers
Our frustrations, neglecting to acknowledge The fays lifting us up whilst unpredictable Fiends bid to crush when unexpectedly Unfathomable interior strength unites
Us through experience a succession Of collective errors misinterpretations Aware however that we will endure, Evolve to reach our highest potentials
For a unique welfare granted to all Creatures, as we set course into the vastness Of bewilderment, inexplicable space, Omnific unfurling home to humanity