I watched her muscle pace with confidence, her brain slip her tongue and her skin glow.
She was much more pretty intelligent stronger, smarter better in any way I was.
In her presence, my flaws started to pile Insecurities started to rile fear started to snare and jealousy started to flare as self-doubt enwrapped me in its flames.
But my dear, there was no good in tearing her down. For prying on her weakness, was not going to paint you into completeness. Picking out her flaws, wasn't going to bring about any applause. Spreading rumors about her, wasn't going to make you any popular. Labeling her with names, wasn't going to bring peace to your flames.
No, my dear the answer lied in your flesh your tongue your story your lines your curves your passions. The answer lied in the very acceptance of yourself.
For that's when you will find intimidation to be wiped with inspiration. That's when you'll realize your rivals were never your rivals but your allies, tribe, and companions.
So compliment, encourage, nurture, love and support yourself and the woman around you.
Enflame hearts of others, build one another embrace them with understanding and enchant their soul with compassion.
Unshackle yourself and unshackle them. Learn from them, applaud them, bring out the best in them and surround yourself with women who do the same.
Because my dear, this is the time you'll realize how blessed you are to be surrounded by such strong, resilient and inspiring woman who help you move forward.