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Mar 2018
they cover my face from forehead to chin
they rest in the most uncomfortable creases
they are red as a rash
and big enough as a bug bite
they stick out, they lie under my skin
they hurt and they sting when I try to scrub them clean
i’ve tried washes, creams, pills,
special oils, face masks, lotions,
the works
i don’t like the mirror because it makes me look at
these things that take up half my face
i don’t like to take pictures when my face isn’t clear
and makeup just makes it worse
i don’t like to go out
because I know others are watching
and wonder how someone could be so ugly
these pimples just don’t go away
no matter what I do
so please, if you meet me
and want to give some advice
i’d much rather you not
because, you see
i’ve already tried it all
and please do not utter that phrase
for I surely will blow up in flames
”oh stop acting like it’s such a big deal”
try living as me for a day
and you will see
that this feeling of dread
about the bumps on your face
never goes away
and you will surely see
that you look like this
and they look like that
and I promise you wouldn’t want to be me
Chronic acne is something I struggle with and what a lot of people also struggle with. A lot of uneducated people will assume that we aren’t trying hard enough. Dealing with chronic acne is not a walk in the park and needs a lot of work to be able to control it. Educate yourself before giving us your advice, we don’t need it.
Daisy Rae
Written by
Daisy Rae  18/F/small nowhere town
(18/F/small nowhere town)   
       Juanita, everly, rose, Kalon, bradley C and 1 other
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