Don’t worry I’ll always have time for you… Sorry, I was busy. As soon as something changes I’ll let you know. Everything’s okay… You weren’t stuck up, I notice things like that. Something’s happening to you… You have those little things, every day. It’s nothing… I’ve always wondered… How do you deal with me? This is heaven for me. There’s still time. I’ll call you Let’s run away till the car falls apart. We’ll go together. You’ll survive! If you need something, just call Please! I’ll trust you What do you think how I feel? I don’t know… I like the real you more. Thank you, it means a lot No worries. You matter! I’m sorry… Ok. .
This was complied from a few messages that I had with the girl I loved. It's a mix of lies, promises and false hope... It took me quite a while to compile all of this, because there was a lot and because it brought up some strong emotions.