Pains me Stains my soul How ****** up me And society are We ask for it
Every time We take a pill Throw a party Drink in front Of our kids Then
Act dumbfounded As toofless Hillbillies When our kids Do the same
Hell They got too much Energy Take them to the Doctor Put them
On mind Altering Medications So's we Get a little Peace
And johnny Can sleep Little jenny Ain't crying We can Spoon her
The pablum For Christmas Buy them gadgets To get on The internet Play war
Like the big kids Have them join JROTC as soon As you can Let's build Good soldiers
Out of Them Then cry aghast As one Who can't see How the **** This happened.
Since Columbine 150000 students from 170 primary and secondary schools have experienced a shooting on campus (according to a tabulation by John Woodrow *** and Steven Rich.)