Upside down Back towards you A solemn resignation, Submitting to despair Changes it into acceptance And becomes forgiveness
A scatter of possessions at my feet That I have since abandoned Despite their worth Their value In gold and silver But ultimately a fortune That cannot be measured Because of sentiments And significance
I must move on Though my head weighs Low on my shoulders And I ignore the flush of water
Waters of change Waters of loss Waters of purity Waters unknown
Dressed in a gown of blue Do I allow The weight of worth To weigh onwards A burdensome tie that binds Me to a past Wrought in memories and mirth Some good Some bad Precious all the same
But this is a memoir of moving on Change is flowing I can grasp the water In cupped hands But it escapes me A cold and cruel dripping Leaving me But I must accept it And forgive it of such fickle transgression For such is life