I'd marry you tomorrow. I'm not even kidding. Like if you said, "Let's go. Let's do this," I would be 100% down.
We haven't known each other very long, six months-ish.
We haven't explored each other like a ship sailing every nook and cranny of every ocean and sea, but I've seen enough.
You are the best thing that isn't even mine. And in time, I hope to make that statement a lie.
I want you to be the best thing that is mine. And I, want to be the best thing that is yours. I think we're on our way, even without a perfect, smooth sailing.
So, you could say I'm shipping us, a one-true-pair. We'd go up the ark together, and I think Noah would agree, two-by-two, you and I would be the two that he'd expect to see pairing up.
I'd marry you tomorrow. I'm not even kidding. Like if you said, "Let's go. Let's do this," I would be 100% down.