I have been invisible before. My thoughts and justifications were transparent. All anyone could see were my actions; the way I failed and stumbled, and ran head first into doors that lead me down path after path of distraction. At least they seemed like distractions, oh, but they become my destruction.
I spent my time quietly imploding, only to change my mind last minute, and suddenly explode. I changed my mind, but my body stayed stock still. I stood in front of the judges and while my tongue was granite, the urge to run from the podium had never been greater.
I wished to be invisible. I wished to go to a dark corner of the room and finish my implosion. Out of sight, where I could hide and self destruct without a sound.
And then if, or when, I picked up the shrapnel, I could re-join everyone on stage at graduation.
I could hold my head high and with a smile, pretend no one saw me crumble.