I treated my skin like a goddess Legs shaved, hands moisturized, Any spot of acne scrubbed away and covered over with pale sheets But I hid from my spine, like a snake always a few inches behind me, waiting to strike This skin there was a poorly applied veneer, Exaggerating the flaws it was meant to hide The snake is in constant motion, waving an S up the core of my being, Displaying my instability It's curved, like the ridges of the Grand Canyon Only more unnatural, Un beautiful, More like a line you tried to draw straight Only when it wavered just a little too much, you threw it away and started over I cannot start over My snake drags venom along its body, instead of drooling it into a bite And he is always biting, So the skin on my back has never been touched Never been pampered, or savored.
There is no "positive message" to this one but it is not meant to be a downer by any means . Everyone has their own insecurities and challenges. I'm super tall so when I was little I grew too fast and my body didn't quite compensate. I have problems with many other joints too but I'm actually a runner and a swimmer. Please comment :)