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Dec 2017
Aren't books just fun to read ?
To find out " Where does this story lead?"
They are nice to read in bed, let you quickly fall asleep
And then you can enjoy slumbering very deep
Unless you read something which messes with your mind
Then you probably stay up through the night and weep
Just try not to make it bind (you)
Books are an adventure for your brain
Can distract you from all that aweful rain
So read more its good for you
Maybe they even help you though (tougher times)
So please my dear give it a go
With the right genre you'll like it, I know
We can do it together,
Cuddling forever,
Under the beautiful light of the moon
Until the night finds its end soon

~ Umi
Written by
Umi  24/Agender/Germany
   Tenshi and ---
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