planets of all colors and sizes floating on an endless universe of mystic dust and rainbow smoke
angels fly from planet to planet watching for the living caring for their order
suns all around distant but present shining their lights flickering in the night
one stands proud in the middle the Sun of suns the king of the universe strong and powerful
it is a lovely world a fantasy made up watched and warded but the lurking man
he plans carefully outlines every detail he paints the smiles he writes the lies
he is a clever one i must admit everything plays out as his says he is an award-worthy director
the lurking man stands above we are standing on his palm blindfolded, unaware complete fools
he paints a beautiful scenery he is the architect of paradise he even lets us believe that there is a greater power than him
you see, the lurking man is a liar and a cheat he is a trickster and a fraud he hides in the shadows planning his next move creating a demise waiting for the right moment to strike
and it scares me sometimes it keeps me up at night how he is able to portray such real dreams into my own mind and how one of this days he will finally attack