Glaciers withered within me, evaporating into clouds of despair. I collect within a dispersal of all that was cloudless, but now I'm slowly reseeding within a squall of sorrows, withered emotions now on the cusp of what is darkening the skies of my fortitude.
But they say every cloud has that glimmer of hope, a silver lining of reflection within. That discoloured allure faded before it began. And now all that I'm consumed by, is shades of ashen contemplations.
Static discharges of emotions collide in turbulent clashes, as words shatter pine trees of fortitudes, splintering hearts. Echoing from within, glancing the air in discord. Precipitation finally collapsing below.
After every storm there is a moment clarity, where tears fell and emotions disfigured another's calm ground. Remember that when the clouds are gone that the illumination of emotions will shine though, and once again there is calm.