Sometimes your darkest moments become the moments when you see the clearest. When you let go and see the world from a different perspective. That the moments you spent with someone are the ones that have made you the happiest. The things you’ve feared all along have become your most desired objective.
When you have completely given up and see how the smallest things can spread happiness to everyone. You wish for the emotion that has eluded you for so long. Then you realize that happiness can always be found and you need to rely on no one. But even so there is always that one person to which you belong.
Most of the time the one you truly need has been the one right in front of you when you needed someone the most. Giving you the strength you needed to face each day. Perhaps it’s the person who you’ve held so close. The one that’s always been there to show you the way.
I had someone like that and after everything we have been through. The only person I want to be with is you.