i. I won't pine for you. You may satisfy for now, but this isn't real.
ii. You are beautiful. I reach for you, though I know you're not what I want.
iii. Spending time with you fills my heart with so much joy but I'm still empty.
iv. There's a gaping hole where I try to keep you, but you don't belong there.
v. I want something more-- more than you can ever give in your brokenness.
vi. You're not perfect, love, no matter how hard I try to think otherwise.
vii. Someday I'll move on. Someday I can love you sans the idolatry.
viii. We'll grow together. We'll see what our hearts can bear when we look elsewhere.
ix. For now, forgive me as I break these tendencies to crave only you.
Friendships often go awry when I begin to seek consolation only though people. My heart has a void where I keep trying to put the love of other men, but they won't fill it. It's not their place. I need to learn how to be with my friends without hurting them/myself like this-- before it's too late.