“I’m sorry I called you that. No, I wasn’t thinking about him, stop over thinking it, it’s not all about you!”
2. “Stop it! You’re stretching me out! Yes, I said, ‘get angry’, but not that angry!”
3. “I was caught up in the moment, things got weird… what do you want me to do, apologize?”
4. “Oh ****! You need to go, my husband’s coming home!”
5. “Okay, so now that we got that out of the way, I don’t think we should see each other anymore. I mean, the *** is great, but you’re just not that stable… yeah, that’s why I did it, I thought you were cheating too.”
6. {Laughter}
7. {Silence}
8. “Are you done?”
9. “Well at least that wasn’t weird. No, it’s not that you, I just, you know, heard things. I know I asked you to do it, but I didn’t mean it, that was just ***** talk.”