Why do you call them ugly Why do you put them down Why does nobody help Why does no one make a sound
Why do you think you can judge them Why do you sneer at them in the hall Why do you treat them so cruelly When you don't know them at all
Why do you spread rumors When you know they are not true Why don't you ever think about How you would hate it if it were you
Why are you too ignorant To care how you make them feel Why are you a heartless thief Why is it their happiness you steal
Why must you behave this way You strike others down to build yourself up Why can't you find other outlets Why does sadism fill your cup
Why must you take your pain out on others Why must you hurt people to feel good Why don't you turn the other cheek If you opened your eyes you could
Why can't you see their epitaph And know you'll have no one but yourself to blame Why don't you realize your wrongdoing Before it is too late
Why do you think you're untouchable You don't predict reprisal from those you are nasty toward I really hope you change your ways For being a bully will have its just rewards