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Oct 2017
"I'm sneaking out tonight."
"It clears my mind."

She, a light in the dark, left.
Neither Lord nor I know where she went,
Perhaps right or left, east or west.
She told me as she fled: "I just need to vent."
The memories we had, they were a backpack.
When she emptied it out, I knew we'd never get those times back.
The times that we had seemed to haunt her
Those times I'd try to talk to her but my words would slur,
Out of my mouth something stupid would spill,
Again and again, my words would try to climb that hill,
Through my heart, up my throat, and out my mouth.
It happened in a moment,
She was there once,
Gone second,
And lost third.
I understand why she needs to vent.
I understand why she wants to forget.
I understand why she doesn't want this.
She wants to leave it all.
It makes me weak, I want to fall.
I want to fall to the Earth and make her understand,
I love her.
But now she'll never know.

"I Worry About You."

This is about two friends (boy and girl, one of which likes the other). One night, the girl says she is going to sneak out of her house. The boy doesn't know how to react. He fears she'll never come back. He never finds out.
Written by
Charles Campbell
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