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Oct 2017
Send your vibe through my veins pulsing
feel your rhythm beat.

Kick the habit, skin convulsing
take me off my feet.

See the living far removed and so
we rot inside.

When there's nowhere left to go
and no one to confide.

Cast your magic down my track
and see our skies explode.

See the young man crawling back
and watch his eyes implode.

Send your chill into my bones
that writhe in memory.

When I'm sinking deep in your
euphoric harmony.

Fear the ghost that begs my view
and sets my soul ablaze.

When the spark ignites anew
as life is just a phase.

Feel you feast upon my flesh like
master over slave.

Take the habit, like my breath
and dig our lonely grave.
Written by
Dreaming-Demon  31/M
         Jamadhi Verse, Alec, ---, ---, Lizzie and 10 others
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