There's a story about starfish they're sprawled out on the coast thousands of them after a storm a boy is tossing them one by one back into the ocean he is told what he is doing doesn't matter that he can never put all the starfish back into the sea but he picks one up and says, “ it mattered to this one.”
in the story he's seen as a hero, saving all the starfish but I don't see him as a hero he is just living the way he is the way we are supposed to live
I don't like the concept of schools requiring community service hours. you see the point of community service is not to get credit for it. the point is to make the world better I don't want to hand out a homeless back, see the smile on their face, and then hand them a piece of paper to sign saying I did my good deed for the week.
now some of you hearing this are thinking, “ ***, she's such a great person. she hands out homeless bags ” you my friend have missed the entire point of this Poem. no, I'm not I'm A PERSON I would be an, “ awesome person, ” if I dedicated my whole life To charity or if I cured something. if you cure cancer you are a hero if you feed a whole Community you are a hero if you actually risk your life for someone you are a hero and we should all strive to be heroes everyday.
I'm not trying to degrade the awesome things people do and have done like that little boy in the starfish story should get Praise, In This Day in age I'm saying that in the alternate reality where everyone does what humans are meant to do, community service is done like eating food not like something to brag about at church not like something to add to a resume it's not like... community service.