I really like the idea of a week without technology it sounds great it sounds like practicing what I preach like actually spending time in the real world the thing is, if I put down my phone…
you see I'm a very loving person so I surround myself with people who need loving I open myself up to anyone and everyone so they see me as an Open Door one they don't have to knock on upon entering I open myself up as a pick-me-up, as a first or last resort as a…
people these days, they act fast. if they ask you a question and you don't respond within a few minutes, they make up their mind. people are no longer patient they make life-altering decisions in a matter of minutes so if I don't pick up my phone…
if I don't pick up my phone, someone cut Herself someone could **** Himself I could be the person they call before they do it. maybe I could have taken their hand off the trigger, convince them to throw out there razor, in this day and age, it isn't safe... to put my phone down!