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Oct 2017
If I told you to let me go— please, don't trust my lyric.
I'm just a woman that have a million of different behaviour and a thousand of difficulty in my head.
The reason why I suddenly said a fortuitous ****** thing that I didn't want to happened.
I told you— don't believe me because I'm just a victim of anger that living inside of my center.
Just grasp my hands tight like you don't wish me to depart so that I will be alright.
Because I don't seek to exit in the sea that filled with my sin.
So please, be my lifeguard— save me from what I've done.
I wish you'll facilitate my spirit and help me because I can't live without you.
I know that it's better to be drown in abysmal ocean or to cut my wrist until I die down than listening to your locution that you letting me go.
8th poem! Hope you'll like it.
Written by
hami  20/F/Philippines
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