Ugly and disappointing colors are what they're revealing It's a challenge not to fall victim to the deceptive deceiving This world in which all are tirelessly scheming
Corrupt messages intended to disillusion our modes of sensory The laws of this dishonesty are rarely discriminant The unlimited reach of the effects are constantly consistent Putting current views and outlooks in legitimate jeopardy
Originality is one thing they've made a hobby of stealing Dark, ***** secrets require intelligent attempts at concealing This society in which all are tirelessly scheming
Naivity is an automatic assumption of all that is innocent You can witness their successes expending minimal energy The fraud is hazardous; failure is certainly imminent One would desire that outcome sooner than later, as it leaves recipients feeling elderly With any form of luck, more will come to share this sentiment
Endless efforts put toward developing façades generally appealing Aiming to have candor and valor on the knees, kneeling This reality in which all are tirelessly scheming
Sturdy quilts to shield clarity are woven most expertly Time being tested passed slowly- increment by minute increment Blueprints to fool the majority will be, expectedly, intricate What was the original reality has been altered into a distant, doubted memory
Any and all accomplished legitimitacy sends them all reeling There's always a "crisis" with which we should be dealing *Our universe in which all are tirelessly scheming