I'm in a forest A huge winding forest One that twists your mind One that makes you wonder Where you must go And I'm lost in this forest This deep and lonely forest Almost dark and lonely as me
I give up finding my way out I pitch my tent I gather wood and light a match
It's a simple spark Barely lighting the dark But it makes me warm inside Soon I am surrounded by warmth More warmth than before
The wolves howl along To my silent songs and hums Owls hoot and fireflies flicker All dancing along to the tune The flames are lighting up the dark And so are the fireflies I'm not so alone anymore
The man in the moon He's such a pale white He gives such a nice glow The children, the stars They seem to be dancing too They seem to be giggling with me
I sleep the darkness away Morning comes And I'm ready to face a new day
I love the night and nature. It's always calmed me and it never makes me lonely.