I remember way back then, You could see for miles and the stars were so brightly lit, Before the smog and other pollutants hit
There were trees and bees, and other such things Where now pavement rules for miles on end And eight lane highways do extend
But progress must come, as we all know So stand back the bear and the doe And make room for another condo
We all know profits must be met And there's no time for a study For there isn't total global warming just yet?
There are schedules to heed and deadlines to meet So we need more concrete to get us there Who cares about the quality of the air?
For in this day and age where everyone has a cell phone It is easier to clone than to let nature on her own And if that doesn't work we can use something genetically grown
Then there's always the lotto or casino to make our day We no longer need Mother Nature to have her say For we as humans have figured out a better way
So let us raise our beer in cheer Dawn our hats, for skin cancer is always a fear And off we go for another great year
Maybe by now we've figured out there are too many Of us to fit on a shuttle to that unknown place far away And for all of us to survive a nuclear explosion on any given day So in its stead we'll settle for our own implosion